Principals message. What we offer. Caringbah High School. 04 Apr 2022. The accelerated Investigating Science class have designed and set up their own student investigations. For 2021, students will return to school on Friday 29 January (or Friday 5 February. SRC Big Day 30 Jun 2023. Our students, Emmaline, Cheryl & Sofia are participating in The Hope Internship with The Salvation Army. T: Telephone 02 9524 3859. Routes from this stop. Friday, 12 May from 7-10pm. Applications for Years 8-11 entry to Caringbah High School will open on Tuesday 20 June 2023 and close on Friday 21 July 2023. Most students start Friday 29 January (or Friday 5 February for Western division) in Term 1 2021. Youth Music Awards 23 Jun 2023. Enrolment. Music Camp 26 Jun 2023. com with your offer and name of Domain you wish. Open Day for Year 5 & 6 Students. address 85 Willarong Road Caringbah NSW 2229. Principals message. Events. What we offer. Enrolment. The team competed in the NSW CHS championships. Caringbah High School is a co-educational, academically selective secondary school of around 910 students in the southern suburbs of Sydney. Enrolment. 1st in 100m Butterfly (won by 10 seconds) 4th 100m Breaststroke. T: Telephone 02 9524 3859. T: Telephone 02 9524 3859. T: Telephone 02 9524 3859. Well done!Endeavour Sports High School (abbreviated as ESHS) is a government-funded co-educational comprehensive and specialist secondary day school, with speciality in sports, located in Caringbah, a southern suburb of Sydney, New South Wales, Australia. Our Issue 12 cover star is Madison de Rozario, Paralympic gold medalist, world record holder and Aussie sports hero. Gallery. What we offer. Stage 5 Visual Arts 23 Jun. A selective and coeducational high school, providing a quality, innovative and nurturing education. Endeavour Sports High School promotes a culture of academic excellence, collaboration, respect and commitment where the staff and students work together to achieve their personal best in the classroom, excellence on the sporting field and a reputable standing in the community. Sentral Portal for Parents and Students. About our school. Home; News; 2022; Oct; 2022 Schools Spectacular;Media Studies. The well-being meetings each fortnight have proven to be very successful in alerting us to. Search >Enter your search. Caringbah High School. All of our Year 8 students this year competed in the Australasian Problem Solving Mathematical Olympiad. Search >Enter your search. Alternatively, Transport for NSW operates a vehicle from Kingsway Opp Caringbah Station to Central Station, Railway Square, Stand K every 4 hours. We take great pride in supporting our local community and are excited to sponsor the Legal Studies program at Caringbah High School. A big massive Congratulations to Alyssa in year 11, who competed at the recent NSW Rhythmic Gymnastics Senior State Championships in the senior level 9 competition and won the title for this year. What we offer. A selective and coeducational high school, providing a quality, innovative and nurturing education. Make a payment. Gallery. Enrolment. Caringbah High School. Home; News; 2022; Feb; Feb. News. Make a payment. Stage 5 Visual Arts 23 Jun. Breadcrumb navigation Back. Search >Enter your search. Location and transport. About our school. A great achievement for both boys! This is Judah’s 3rd year in the team. Breadcrumb navigation Back. Saturday, 13 May from 7-10pm. Today the Aboriginal students enjoyed a cultural tour of Barangaroo. Home; News; 2022; Sep; CHS Dance Ensembles ;Caringbah High School. Parents and Citizens P&C. Open Day for Year 5 & 6 Students. Make a payment. Breadcrumb navigation Back. Student information Student enrolment profile Enrolments Students 2017 2018 2019 2020Caringbah High School. Commerce students at Caringbah have been competing in the ASX Schools Sharemarket game over the past two months, competing with schools all around Australia to see who could make the most money on the Australian sharemarket. Congratulations to Hamish of year 9. Financial contributions and assistance. edu. Search12 Aug 2022. Sentral Portal for Parents and Students. About our school. Sentral Portal. 22 Jun 2022. The subject selection process will involve choosing 5 electives in order of preference by 3pm Wednesday 25 July. Search >Enter your search. Let’s look at how things are done in the land of Oz using a notable example of Endeavour Sports High School, a “school where Australia’s sports stars are made. Open Day for Year 5 & 6 Students. Home; News; 2022; Aug;Sentral Portal for Parents and Students. Caringbah High School. Caringbah High School. Financial contributions and assistance. Location and transport. The subject information meeting usually takes. A selective and coeducational high school, providing a quality, innovative and nurturing education. Caringbah High School. Caringbah High School. When your child is absent it is important you let us know, including the reason why, on the day or the day before. Sentral Portal for Parents and Students. Breadcrumb navigation Back. Sentral Portal for Parents and Students. nsw. The latest issue of T4L Kids is all about sports. 10 Jan 2023. What we offer. News. Parents and Citizens P&C. Enrolment. T:. Our staff. Meetings are held on Tuesday evenings in first 4 weeks and last 3 weeks of term. Make a payment. Sentral Portal for Parents and Students. Caringbah High School. Sentral Portal for Parents and Students. Sentral Portal for Parents and Students. We invite all school communities to be part of the magic and celebrate the return of Schools Spectacular, with 4 incredible live performances at Qudos Bank Arena on 25-26 November. Well done on making it to the final rounds. The school has an impressive history of outstanding results in the Higher School. Stage 5 Marine Studies. Enrolment. includes items that are affordable, comfortable and made from easy-care and easy-wear fabrics. 26 May 2023. Our staff. About our school. Caringbah High School. Breadcrumb navigation Back. View 24 more routes. Sentral Portal. The Sydney East Cross Country carnival was held on Wednesday, 15 June at Miranda Park. T4 Bondi Junction to Waterfall or Cronulla. A selective and coeducational high school, providing a quality, innovative and nurturing education. Our staff. A selective and coeducational high school, providing a quality, innovative and nurturing education. Stay a night, a month, or a year in designer apartment communities that redefine home. About our school. Search >Enter your search. Stay turned for further detail. Our staff. Sentral Portal for Parents and Students. Search >Enter your search. Location and transport. Cronulla Beach is a major tourist attraction and offers many cafes and restaurants. United Nations Youth NSW Evatt. Enrolment. Submit search. School planning and reporting. Enrolment. Home; News; 2022; Dec; Presentation Evening 2022;21 Sep 2022. Sentral Portal for Parents and Students. Home; News; 2022; Apr; Visual Arts; Visual Arts. Rules and policies. NSW CHS swimming. Parents/carers can visit the School Bytes portal at any time to make a payment online, view payment history and apply credit. Submit search. A selective and coeducational high school, providing a quality, innovative and nurturing education. Caringbah High School is an academically selective coeducational secondary school of around 910 students in the southern suburbs of Sydney. Rules and policies. Submit search. 19 May 2023. T:. Submit. Breadcrumb navigation Back. Caringbah High School. Search >Enter your search. The results are analysed and the tower designs are. Caringbah High School. A selective and coeducational high school, providing a quality, innovative and nurturing education. School planning and reporting. News. Youth Music Awards 23 Jun 2023. Location and transport. They argued against the topic, ‘That students should take Australian History as a course for the HSC’. Search >Enter your search. Enrolment. Home; About our school;Caringbah High School. Caringbah High School. Open Day for Year 5 & 6 Students. Our staff. Caringbah High School. Sentral Portal for Parents and Students. Congratulations to Judah L of year 12 and Xavier P of year 11 who were selected for the Sydney East Open Basketball team. News. We wish the students well in their future debates!Cultural Tour of Barangaroo. Our extensive career program covers everything from financial literacy, résumé writing and interview techniques; to general work-life balance, well-being and proactive behaviours such as ongoing exploration, curiosity and resilience. Make a payment. Search >Enter your search. Location and transport. Location and transport. Submit search. Search >Enter. Enrolment. T: Telephone 02 9524 3859. Lest we forget. 01 Jul 2022. A selective and coeducational high school, providing a quality, innovative and nurturing education. News. Sentral Portal for Parents and Students. Enrolment. A fundraising event is coming up on 2 June 2023. Rules and policies. School planning and reporting. T: Telephone 02 9524 3859. Gallery. T: Telephone 02 9524 3859. Our staff. Sentral Portal for Parents and Students. Submit [email protected] High School. Brief History. Well done, Hansika, Wen, Alice, Alina, Charlotte,. Caringbah High School. Principals message.